Finally, here we are. The Amphiterra Project has been the most fulfilling undertaking I've ever taken, it feels like something I've wanted to do as far back as I can remember. I have always been in love with books and properties that detailed their creatures out, described their habits, had maps and diagrams to make it all feel so real. It's schmaltzy, but it's no exaggeration to say that it's been a dream come true to dedicate time to an endeavor like this. I wish I could share what I've done with the child I was.
As a thesis, we must return to our original questions, and see how we have addressed them in the end. By following the instructions I have described, a group of creature artists could easily work together in a studio setting to create a suite of creatures that are coherent to the world and each other in an efficient manner. The process could be applied to any situation where a bestiary needs to be generated in order to make a world feel complete, by an individual or a team, on any scale. The pipeline is modular, and meant to be adjusted to fit a project's needs. In terms of developing an effective pipeline for creature development, I feel I have been successful.
A secondary goal of the Amphiterra Project was to help revitalize the SpecEvo genre. Only time will tell if I have been successful on this front, as it depends on how many people read and share the project. I could count the amount of published SpecEvo content in the last ten years on my fingers and still have a hand left over. However, there has much content generated and distributed on internet communities, a network of people sharing their ideas for worlds and creatures with eachother. Maybe this new world is how SpecEvo will survive and thrive? As I said, time will tell. At the time of writing, Dougal Dixon has recently announced a follow-up to The Future is Wild in yet another new realm, virtual reality. Like our creatures, I may have to keep evolving to survive.
Where does the Amphiterra Project stand? It was created for my Master's degree, and at the time of writing, I am but a few days from defending it to my committee. Yet, even with the end in sight, something I am sure of is that I cannot let go of this passion project just yet. Watch this site in the very near future for new creatures, new ideas, and new possibilities as we continue to explore the world of Amphiterra together.
Thank you for being a part of this experiment with me, we'll meet again soon.
As a thesis, we must return to our original questions, and see how we have addressed them in the end. By following the instructions I have described, a group of creature artists could easily work together in a studio setting to create a suite of creatures that are coherent to the world and each other in an efficient manner. The process could be applied to any situation where a bestiary needs to be generated in order to make a world feel complete, by an individual or a team, on any scale. The pipeline is modular, and meant to be adjusted to fit a project's needs. In terms of developing an effective pipeline for creature development, I feel I have been successful.
A secondary goal of the Amphiterra Project was to help revitalize the SpecEvo genre. Only time will tell if I have been successful on this front, as it depends on how many people read and share the project. I could count the amount of published SpecEvo content in the last ten years on my fingers and still have a hand left over. However, there has much content generated and distributed on internet communities, a network of people sharing their ideas for worlds and creatures with eachother. Maybe this new world is how SpecEvo will survive and thrive? As I said, time will tell. At the time of writing, Dougal Dixon has recently announced a follow-up to The Future is Wild in yet another new realm, virtual reality. Like our creatures, I may have to keep evolving to survive.
Where does the Amphiterra Project stand? It was created for my Master's degree, and at the time of writing, I am but a few days from defending it to my committee. Yet, even with the end in sight, something I am sure of is that I cannot let go of this passion project just yet. Watch this site in the very near future for new creatures, new ideas, and new possibilities as we continue to explore the world of Amphiterra together.
Thank you for being a part of this experiment with me, we'll meet again soon.