The common eofrog is...a big frog. Superficially, at least, the first ‘new frog’ would not be a tremendously strange sight to a visitor from our timeline. However, this is the first member of a new subfamily, Novabatrachidae. The Novabatrachidae embody many of the anatomical features we associate with our frogs, but an eofrog is all these things writ large, comparable to our largest frog, the prehistoric Beelzebufo. The eofrog is one of the largest predators of its time, perfectly suited for its swampy environment. In many ways, the eofrog provides an anatomical basis for many of the frog-like creatures that would be descended from it. However superficially it may resemble our frogs, however, we have already departed from the truth of our timeline; taxonomically speaking, there are no 'true' frogs in Amphiterra.